
Buyouts Insider

Buyouts Insider

Buyouts Insider Special Projects

Report Covers

Industries: Finance, Private Equity, Publishing
Company: Buyouts Insider
Role: Concept, Design Execution
Software: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator
Project: These were created as covers of the Guide to Family Offices, PE/VC Partnership Agreements Study, Duane Morris Connections, SEC Examinations Priorities Handbook, Guide to Independent Sponsors, and PE/VC Compensation Report.

Report Content

Industries: Finance, Private Equity, Publishing
Company: Buyouts Insider
Role: Concept, Design Execution
Software: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator
Project: This page displays full pages and elements of Buyouts Insider publications including the Family Office Newsletter, Duane Morris Connections, and the Family Office Guide.